Did you just finish your distance learning course and are sticking to a job offering financial stability? No doubt, it guarantees security and some peace of mind. However, in most cases, being risk-averse or sticking to a ‘comfortable’ job is far more dangerous.


Here are four reasons why being an effective risk-taker is a great idea for long-term career success:-


  • You get to explore new adventures


Taking risks is often perceived negatively. While some risks bring uncertainty and may not even work out, it is a matter of directing your focus towards the possibility that some risks do work out. Look at a new risk as a new adventure. Moving from a steady corporate job to building your own start up may be challenging, but it will certainly expand your knowledge.


Similarly, taking up the arduous promotion may mean more responsibilities, but it will also develop your skills. If you never try, you’ll never recognize what you’re capable of achieving.


Before rushing into trying a risk, it is imperative to weigh out the pros and cons. Go for it only if the opportunity appears bright and the chance of succeeding is high.


  • Risk-taking builds self-confidence


Instead of an on-campus education system, if you opt for distance learning programs or correspondence courses from recognized university in India, you may obtain a fresh perspective on several aspects, which can improve boost your self-confidence. Taking risks may enable you to take on more endeavours, irrespective of the outcome. You are prone to easily wiping away the fear of uncertainty with a growth in your confidence.


Being confident will present yourself as an assertive leader, enthusiastic team player and make you stand out automatically. Confidence is a quality sought after by every company and will always create a lasting impression!


  • Get clarity about yourself


If you embrace risks at the initial stage of your career, you will generally have a clear understanding of your strengths/weaknesses. It may even lead you to a new path. Whether it is leaving your job to start freelancing from home or taking a break from your career to volunteer at an NGO, risk-taking gives you the opportunity to explore diverse options and discover work that you enjoy and suits your preference.


Taking risks will help you learn more about yourself. It is also likely to help you attain a fulfilling career in the long run.


  • Bypass complacency which sets in


A daily job can soon become mundane and is often looked at as a necessity to survive, especially if you don’t enjoy what you do. If you’re good at your job, but lack passion, it is easy to become complacent towards your career and overlook your true potential. During this time, it is important to remember not to lose yourself in the process.


Do things that keep you active, driven, and committed towards your goal. Sign up for relevant events nearby, participate in outdoor activities, take up a distance learning course, attend workshops that may widen your network base, teach the less privileged, etc.




The more risks you take, the more likely you are to take control of your life. If you’re unhappy with your present job, it’s time to cut loose and try a change in career. Avoid making decisions solely based on the kind of safety a job may offer; rather invest in risks that will advance self-growth and take you one step closer to success!


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