Distance learning is popular due to plenty of advantages such as flexibility, affordability, and convenience to name a few. For extroverts and people who love company, the lack of face-to-face human interaction can get a bit demotivating. However, it is no reason to give up on such a convenient option. If that’s your concern, try these simple methods to stay motivated and on-track with your distance learning course.


  1. 1. Post your progress on social media


Don’t you love the positive comments and ‘likes’ you get when you post pictures of an accomplishment? Social media can be a great confidence booster in such cases. However, it doesn’t stop there. Your friends and family will be glad to hear about your academic progress. Go ahead, post about how you finished your MBA assignment before the deadline, or how you impressed your MCA professor. You’ll get the positive reinforcement you seek from social media.



Picture Courtesy – Freepik


  1. 2. Use online tools


The internet can be a means of endless distraction. If you get easily distracted, you’ll look back at the end of the day and realise you have nothing to show for the time you spent online! Don’t let this happen, use online tools such as StayFocusd, Forest, Freedom, Self-Control (for Macintosh), and Cold Turkey. These apps will let you block all distracting websites so that you can focus better. Apps such as RescueTime will also help you track the time you spend on projects while blocking time-wasting sites.



Picture Courtesy – Chrome


  1. 3. Explore new ways of learning


Have you taken the time to figure out what kind of learner are you? Are you an auditory learner, visual learner or kinaesthetic learner? Learning in the method that best suits you, can help you understand, process, and recall the material much better. You can convert the course material to match your preferred learning style and you’ll see how fast you can ace your assignments and assessments.



Picture Courtesy – jivespin


  1. 4. Take up new hobbies


If you feel that nothing is going your way, why not take up something that makes you feel great about yourself and keeps you motivated? Hobbies, even something as simple as knitting or collecting coins can help you improve your mood. You’ll find joy in small accomplishments like spotting a rare coin or knitting a scarf. This will help you stay motivated during your correspondence courses as well.



Picture Courtesy – CV Plaza


  1. 5. Set up a study space and routine


If you don’t have a study space or a study timetable, which could be for your MCA or BCA distance course, you’ll never have the motivation to get up and start. If you have a schedule to follow, you’ll be able to see and track your progress. Sometimes it even helps to pretend like you’re going to a regular class – so get up, dress up, and start the day the same way you would for regular classes.


Picture Courtesy – Charles Stone


Distance education offers the benefit of having added time, but what you do with that time can define your career path. Staying motivated about your studies as well as filling up your free time with productive activities is surely the way forward. What’s your favourite way to stay motivated? Share it with us in the comments sections.


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