No matter what course you take up as a working adult, you are likely to find yourself struggling to manage your time. Imagine attending classes every day after a long day at work and trying to maintain your personal life too! Sounds difficult to deal with, doesn’t it?


This is why over the years, distance learning courses and distance education in India has become so popular. Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind while trying to maintain the perfect balance between study and work while you are taking the distance education path.


Get organized


The first step would be to get yourself a calendar and mark all the important dates. It’s not easy to keep a track of the deadlines at work along with your exam schedule. A calendar will also help you organise your time better. So you can avoid all the last-minute rush. Remember, there is always going to be unplanned work that might come up. Keeping this in mind, schedule your time accordingly.


Don’t delay assignments 


Unlike when you were in high school, you can’t delay your assignments and leave them for last minute. Avoid hurried or late submissions by starting on your work as soon as you get it. Stay away from things that distract you and stop procrastinating. If you get your assignment done way ahead of time, that’s one less thing you need to worry about!


Create a study space


You need a quiet space that will help you focus on the work at hand. Find a spot that’s comfortable and free from distractions. Let the people around you know, that you can’t be interrupted for a certain amount of time. Going back to studying can be a challenging task, this is why you’ll need the time to focus. You have to come up with new ways to learn, as your old methods may not give you the same results.


Avoid stress


The time when you’re most likely to experience stress is before exams. The best way to avoid this is by being prepared. If you try and cram your head with studies the day before the exam, your office work is going to take a back seat. And, that in turn, will add to your stress. So plan your study schedule well to keep stress at bay!


Stay focused


When you feel that you can’t cope, take some time out to think about why you’re doing this and how it’s going to help you. You need to be realistic as well. There are times when you can’t accomplish all the tasks that you set out to do. You have to understand that it’s okay, as long as you are meeting your primary goal. Accepting help from those around you is not a sign of failure, so go ahead and talk to people who can help. Don’t get bogged down by small issues that may take you away from your goal.


Remember, when you want to start studying, there is no time like the present, if you want to do a BBABCAMCA or even an MBA, start now and reap the benefits!



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