The exam season is around the corner, and it’s the time when students have to recollect all that they’ve learned through the year! It can be quite a hectic time, and one can see a lot of activities, which are commonly associated with the exam season: late night revisions and joint study sessions to name a few.
However, this is the time when students strive to give it their best to achieve the best! Needless to say, a lot of pressure is associated with the dreaded exams approaching near. This is especially true for distance learning students, who might have to attend to their professional lives as well.
So, irrespective of whether you are pursuing a distance MBA course in Mumbai or a Bangalore University distance education course, there is no reason to worry. Here we have for you a list of five tips to help you tackle your exams.
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Due to studying at the 11th hour, you will not have enough time to go through all of your study material. It is better to identify topics you struggle with and focus on them so that you are better prepared to take your exams.
Since you have managed to single out your weak points, start preparing last minute review notes that focus on key study points that you struggle with. Prepare flashcards and review them once at night before bed and once in the morning before the exam. If you’re pursuing a correspondence course, you could always ask your family members or friends to help you revise formulas or theorems via flash card quizzes! Yes, it is as fun as it sounds.
Get hold of previous year’s test papers and go through them. Try solving a few old exam papers, use the stopwatch and observe how long it takes you to answer the question. By practising in the exact same conditions as the real test, you will better prepare yourself to manage time effectively during your exam.
In many cases you may feel like a lone warrior in a distance learning program, but that is not the case. If you feel stuck – just ask for help! You can email or give a call to your instructors when you have queries or need a concept explanation. You might be pursuing a distance education program in Chennai, but you can call your instructor for help wherever he/she is located. You can even ask your family and friends for help.
You might be tempted to pull an all-night study session just before your exams – our advice is don’t do it!
Human brain performs best when well-rested. Many studies confer that a peaceful sleep before an exam can help you perform better. You should revise your notes, but it is advised to have at least eight hours of sleep the night before an exam. Wake up in the morning with plenty of time to review your notes one last time before the exam.
Studying is hard work and exam time is stressful. Just remember, tough times don’t last forever. It’s never too early or too late to divulge in good study habits. All you need is to plan your time, discover your learning style, and stay motivated. Don’t forget a positive attitude is likely to help you more than anything, not just in exams but in life too.