‘But I answered all the questions!’


This is how job seekers react when they don’t find their name in the final list of all those who have been selected by the company. It is essential to understand that the definition of a ‘good’ interview is subjective. It is not merely about answering all the questions asked by the interviewer or having a distance education degree from a recognised university. Cracking an interview depends on plenty of other factors as well.



Above all, there are certain actions and questions that the interviewee should not undertake or ask. Here are top five ‘don’ts’ of a job interview that you should always adhere to, irrespective of whether you have earned your degree the traditional way or through distance learning.



  • Don’t Keep ‘Dollars in Your Eyes’: Agreed that a good salary is indispensable for anyone to sign on the dotted line of the appointment letter. It is also perfectly fine if you have applied for the job just for the sake of money. To aim to become a rich person is not a crime after all! However, it is necessary that you do not make your need for money evident in front of the interviewers or interviewing panel.


When the interviewer asks you if you have any questions for them or starts a discussion around the package, that’s when you start negotiating. Don’t portray yourself as a greedy individual to the people behind the desk. Talk about growth opportunities, talk about the future plans of the company and what you could possibly learn as an employee at the firm. All in all, earn a right to have a negotiation.



  • Don’t Blow The Softballs: The interviewer usually asks certain simple questions to check your preparedness, whether or not you are interested in the profile, the way you collect your thoughts and present them and the way you communicate. These questions could be about introducing yourself, your strength, weaknesses, etc. Don’t get excited and do not let your confidence escape its limit. Stay calm and answer carefully although they’re simple questions.



  • Don’t Plunge into Negativity: This comes in numerous forms, from dissing your previous job to complaining about the state of the nation, giving excuses on your average academic performance, staying aloof from the can-do attitude, lying on your resume, etc. Make sure to stay away from these common negative pitfalls for a positive impact on the interviewer.



  • Don’t Be Tongue-Tied: Understand that expressing yourself in an interview is of paramount importance. Don’t limit your answers to just ‘YES’ and ‘NO.’ Practice the things you have to say. Feel confident and sound rational. If required, work with a mentor, a trusted colleague or a friend to ensure your answers are complete and comprehensive.



  • Don’t Keep Your Nose in the Air: Arrogance as a personality attribute could lead you towards failure not merely in an interview, but in all walks of life. Keep it aside when you step inside the interview Avoid correcting the interviewer on his/her minor mistakes. Do not show-off your knowledge and avoid talking incessantly after every question. All in all, be clear about the difference between confidence and arrogance.



Leverage the Opportunity. Don’t Blow it!


With uncertainties hovering over the economies of the world every now and then, keeping a job let alone getting it is a hard nut to crack. So when you get an opportunity to appear for an interview, aim to nail it.



On the other hand, the hiring managers understand that interviews could be stressful for an interviewee. Therefore, when they goof up sometimes, the interviewer accepts it. However, an interviewee should note that negative actions, attitude and behavior are not at all acceptable.



If you have any such “NO-NO” which you believe that an interviewee should keep in mind during an interview, do share it via comments below!



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