Balancing Studies And Major Cricket Matches

BySMU-DEJune 16, 2017


It’s bad enough that we have to give up all the things we like when we’re studying. However, what makes it worse is knowing that there is a great cricket match to watch at the same time! So, how to balance time between studies and cricket? Let’s take a look.


Every year there seems to be a clash between exams and the IPL or World Cup matches and so on. How do you ignore the fact that your favourite team is playing? It’s such a common problem faced by students that there’s even a petition made for it – “No popular cricket series matches during exams season”!


We know how important it is to you, so try and follow these simple study techniques to balance exams and cricket so that you can be well prepared for your distance learning exams and still catch the game (or at least some of it).



Cricket vs Exams:Don’t wait until the last minute



When you know exams are around the corner, don’t wait to open your books and get your notes ready the week before. Start the minute the dates come out, get your work in order and plan a schedule so as to maintain a balance between sports and studies. If you have things in order, you’ll avoid last-minute panic and you’ll also be giving yourself a little extra time where you could watch a little bit of the match.



Picture Courtesy – The Intellectual Dinner Club


Sail through your exams by creating a schedule


Get your hands on your exam timetable as well as the match schedules. Look at when your toughest papers are and start prepping for them first. Make a note of when your favourite team is playing and give yourself a little more free time on those days. An optimal schedule is one wherein you’re able to balance studies and cricket.


If you have a tough paper and a good match on the same day, start with that first. It’s likely that you’ll be most distracted on that day so cover that paper well in advance. This way all you’ll need is some revision or to do a few mock question papers before that exam.



Picture Courtesy – wiki how


Get into a routine


Not every distance learning student studies the same way. It is normal and nothing to worry about. Don’t panic because your friends are up till 2 AM studying and you can’t stay up until 10 PM!


You could be a morning person and may be able to focus better in the morning. Figure out a routine that helps you manage cricket matches and your exams and stick to it. If you’re more productive in the evening, schedule a major chunk of your studying for the evening and vice versa. Plan to watch the match either live or catch the reruns when you’re least productive. Once you’re able to finalize a routine, there are various fields wherein you can excel as a distance education student.



Picture Courtesy – wikihow


Use the match as a reward


If you have been able to complete more than your allotted portion for the day, you can reward yourself by watching a half an hour more of the match. Use this reward system to focus while studying. You’re likely to work faster and better in anticipation for the reward. It’s a simple way to stay motivated and also cover the subject well.



Picture Courtesy – livemint


Don’t feel bad about taking a break


It’s a fact that your brain needs breaks to digest what it has learnt. Take a short break every 40 to 45 minutes to focus better. If you try to study for longer than an hour at a stretch, your focus and concentration is likely to get impaired. During these short breaks, you could sneak in a few minutes of the match to keep yourself updated with the score and then get back to your books.



Picture Courtesy – slideshare


If you’re doing a full-time course, a distance education course, an MBA exam, or a school exam, keep these tips in mind. It’s sure to help you sail through your exams and give you the results you desire.




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