Fields Where You’ll Excel As A Distance Education Student

BySMU-DENovember 28, 2016


If you’re on the fence and can’t decide between a distance education course and an on-campus course, we hope this article will help. Apart from the obvious advantages of distance learning courses like low pricing and convenience, those who have completed these courses can actually do better in certain fields than their counterparts who have studied on campus.


Distance learning courses are more focused on career-specific skills as compared to on-campus courses. We’ll look at a few careers wherein doing a distance education course will give you an edge over those who have opted for traditional educational programs.




This is one field where you have to constantly be on your A game – if you’re not updated, you’re out. However, if you’re working in the field and are doing a distance learning course, you’ll be the star of the show. This would basically mean that you’ll have subject knowledge along with the experience that your job gives you. You’ll have much better insight on the subject than those doing an on-campus course.




If you love all things IT and hate classes, then distance education is for you. You’ll have time to code or design during the day to hone your skills. BCA and MCA distance education courses have gained huge popularity because of this very fact. While working, and studying you will also get to keep pace with the latest trends without missing out on the experience.


Marketing management


Learning about marketing management via a distance education course is a brilliant idea so you’ll have the ability to implement your ideas as you learn them. While your on-campus counterparts are still trying to figure out how these strategies work, you’ll already be seeing results. Your ability to work, practice and implement what you learn will help you see positive results. This means you could get ahead or rather climb the corporate ladder at a much faster pace.




Like in finance the import and export field also requires constant monitoring and focus. So, if you decided to take a few years off to do an on-campus course, there is no telling how much you’ll actually miss out on. If you do a distance education course you can see that you’re able to understand what’s taught better than your counterparts as you’ll be practicing it first-hand!


There are plenty more careers that you could succeed at but always remember it’s about how much you put into your course. Any distance education course has the same value or more as an on-campus course, so take it as seriously as a full-time course. Remember, you’ll have the added benefit of a degree without losing out on your years of experience. This is something that full-time students lose out on.





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