7 Tips To Build “brand You”

BySMU-DEMay 12, 2017


Is there a certain way that you would like to be seen or remembered? If the answer is yes, the next question is what do you do about it? Branding is not just for products anymore, it’s also for ‘You’! Remember, people are more likely to connect with you if your ‘brand’ appeals to them.


You may have an MBA degree or you might have opted for a distance learning program that helps you get two degrees simultaneously, but it takes more than just a degree to build a brand.



Describe your brand


As you are in control of how your clients, employers and employees see you, you need to choose the right way to define your brand. Write down words and values that best describe you or that people use to describe you. Focus on what makes you different from the others, this will help you stand out from the others.



How easily accessible are you


There is no point in being a good brand if people can’t reach out to you. You need to be easily accessible and visible to your audience. Be active on several social media platforms. Also, network with the right people, and attend events that represent your brand. In other words, think Kim Kardashian (of the professional world, of course), she is always on Instagram and her followers love what she does!







Be unapologetically YOU


It’s not true that people only like nice guys, just be yourself and you’ll see you get just as much attention. Don’t believe us? Think Raghu Ram from Roadies, Simon Cowell from America’s got Talent and Gordon Ramsay from Hell’s Kitchen. If you can’t be yourself online, your brand will crumble in no time.


Keep your promises


No matter what you say about yourself, if you don’t deliver what you promise, you’re going to lose customers. If you’re late, flaky, or unreliable, people won’t have a reason to trust you. You need to prove that you’re better than the rest by keeping your word and delivering on your commitments.


Know your industry and your contacts


It’s no point trying to establish your brand if you don’t understand your industry and know what your competitors are up to. When your brand grows, you’ll automatically find your contacts growing too. Keep them close so that you can build a mutually beneficial relationship that will help you grow.


Build a story to help your audience connect to you


If you look at personalities such as Oprah, or even Shah Rukh Khan, you’ll notice that their back stories are colourful and define who they are now. Their stories add up and help us connect to every part of their career and growth. You find yourself rooting for them and hoping they succeed; which is exactly what you would want others to do for you.



Have a singular focus


Remember the saying – Jack of all trades, master of none? That holds good when you’re looking to define your brand. Be known for doing one thing really well, not 10 things averagely. Have a call to action that people know you’ll deliver on.


Gone are the days when all you needed was an MBA to be successful. You also need the required skills to create a strong ‘brand you’ to truly see success.




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